Sunday, December 23, 2012

‎"Freel said in 2007 after a particularly brutal collision with teammate Norris Hopper that he had " probably nine or 10 " concussions in his life."

There you have it folks, another great talent that suffered from the mental wears of an injury that can literally warp the way you think on a day to day basis. When the core of your thoughts is damaged, it obviously leads to madness and a sorrowful life. 

Concussions should be like strikes in baseball, 3 and your out of the game for good. Players should be forced or at least have the option to take a year off of play, without the threat of losing their contract when they have one. The NFL is taking some steps to improve their policy's to help protect the players from themselves, but there is a lot more work that needs to be done in all sports. 

Shockingly 6 NFL players have committed suicide in 2 years. Chris Benoit, a popular wrestler killed his entire family and himself and when the DR's examined his brain they said he had, "shocking brain damage". They all died from injury's they sustained, living their dreams, providing for their family's and entertaining us the fans. We need joint efforts from Sports Organizations and Medical Professions to lead in some serious change.